Nuclear Energy in South Carolina

Nuclear energy currently provides 51% of the total energy used in South Carolina. The majority is produced and used by Duke Energy, as nuclear currently makes up 56.8% of Duke’s total energy production. SCE&G aims to have 30% of the total energy generated come from nuclear by the year 2020 (current energy percentages of SCE&G for energy currently generated was unable to be found). Santee Cooper produced only 9% of their total energy generation from nuclear in 2015. For SCE&G and Santee Cooper, coal still dominates the energy portfolios.

Duke Energy currently has three operating uranium nuclear-generated plants in South Carolina- Oconee at a 2,554 MW total capacity, Catawba which has a 2,290 MW capacity of which Duke owns 441 MW, and Robinson in Hartford County at 741 MW.

SCE&G currently owns and operates the majority of the VC Summer Nuclear Generating Station in Jenkinsville, SC which has one nuclear unit at 966 MW capacity. Santee Cooper owns approximately one-third of this nuclear unit. SCANA, the parent company of SCE&G, is currently in the process of building two new units at the VC Summer nuclear plant which are scheduled to be done in 2019-2020. Santee Cooper will own 40% of the reactors jointly with SCE&G who will own the remaining 60%. Each of the units will produce approximately 1,117 MW.


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