Violet, short, small, blonde-haired and bright-eyed. She is a seven year old who has a vivid imagination and love of all things nature. Her time is spent on the beach, in gardens, exploring the creeks, marine life, and animals of her neighborhood. She pretends to be a different animal every day. She loves animals and creates lavish stories about their lives. However, when you ask this seven year old about offshore drilling, her tone changes.1 Her voice raises to a shrill and she demands attention. She speaks fervently,

No oil in our ocean, we have dolphins and whales there. Stop drilling for oils off our coasts; it hurts the sea creatures. And we won’t no oil spills in South Carolina and North Carolina.

Below are pictures that are drawn by Violet.



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  1. Stop Offshore Drilling

    Violet and some of her classmates were active within the Stop Offshore Drilling movement, who recently succeeded in their efforts to stop energy exploration leasing off the shore of South Carolina.